Wednesday, December 15, 2010

24 Days of Ornaments: Dec the 15th

Why I was so late to the game on this set of ornaments, I'll never know. But three years ago, there was an article on the local e-news (have you noticed that things are ON the internet newspapers but IN the paper newspapers?) about the Texas Capitol Gift Shop ornaments. They've been marketing these lovely pieces for years! Usually they copy some element of the Capitol itself. This one is just a bit different, as it features the six flags.

They also allow you to order the older ones, up to a point. So in 2008 (or so), I ordered the 2000 one, which is this one. Then I thought, wouldn't these be a nice gift? So I've ordered one each year for my English "opposite number", ie, my son's mother-in-law, so a little bit of Texas hangs on a London Christmas tree.

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