Sunday, December 12, 2010

24 Days of Ornaments: Dec the 12th

I loved this ornament the minute friend Carol gave it to me. It glows from within because you place it on a tree light. Quite conveniently, there's a hole in the bottom.

It reminds me of Sunday School as a child. There was a small white church which lit up in one of the classrooms. It also looks vaguely like the church across the street and when its beautiful, antique stained glass windows are lit at night, I have the best view in town.

It's warm and inviting, just as church should be. And there's not really anything else to say on the matter.

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At 8:37 AM CST, Blogger Carol said...

Catching up on your blog this morning and was pleased to see this one...perfect choice for a Sunday! It's been fun reading about all your ornaments - thanks for sharing.


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