Sunday, October 25, 2009

I feel the Season comin' on!

I may regret these words: For the first time in a while, I'm actually looking forward to the coming Nov/Dec holiday season madness. It's not that I've dreaded it in the recent past, but something this year just seems to be making it special and I can't put my finger on it.

We've had a wonderful autumn so far, a lovely trip to Napa which allowed us to skip the bad rainy local weather all the while enjoying the sunshine of California and the company of family. We've seen fun musicals throughout the Dallas summer musical season and then I've seen two other productions this weekend. Our grandson will be baptized in our home church in a month and four days after that, we'll have all close family and in-laws here to celebrate that most American of the big three, Thanksgiving.

I've been working on handmade Christmas gifts for the daughters-in-law and having a bunch of fun doing it. I've made out the official Christmas list and it is daunting, as usual. But we'll work on it. Christmas itself will be with the grandchildren. What a delight--maybe this year we can all be healthy and not ill like last year.

I have a cold myself right now, but it's not the flu. It's a cold, the result of hot/cold temps coupled with rain and damp. Nothing a hot toddy can't cure and I think I'll go have one right now.

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