Friday, January 25, 2008

My 200th post

I was contemplating what to write about today, as I haven't posted since Sunday, which seems, in light of this week, a century ago. This week was going to be busy, but it wasn't going to steal my breath and break my heart.

This week I traveled to play with my granddaughter, started a more serious approach to our upcoming trip, and grappled some more with the complexities of being my father's guardian. And then the world stopped when good friends faced the unexpected death of a grown son, a young man we remember his mother, quite literally, carrying, a child on videotape of church programs, a singular young man with his own world view.

The air went out of our collective small town breath, sucked away, leaving questions and grief. We mourn with the family and gather around them, but of course, we all know that at the end of the day, they are alone with each other and their strong faith.

So, my 200th post. Nothing light-hearted, but still a slice of small town life, draped in winter, but knowing in our hearts and with our faith, that spring will come.



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