Friday, January 04, 2008

Whew! It wasn't just me!

I can't say it was with great relief that I read the article in the Dallas Morning News today about the HOV lane mess on North Central. Instead, it was with a sense of "Huh--I didn't know they were looking for an article. I just wrote one!"

That aside (and the fact that theirs has maps and other people's opinions), I did learn a few things:

The posts are rubber and therefore, if desperate (like after the accident in the HOV lane the article mentions), can be driven over. Entering freeway traffic from a dead stop after knocking over rubber posts. Ooh. Bad.

The up-and-over-and-down to the frontage road I experienced getting off on Saturday heading south was caused by a reversible HOV lane going, then, in the other direction. Well, that warms my heart for safety and security.

Fans are few. And we all know which side I'm on.

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