Monday, May 18, 2009

The lure of the half-price plant

I didn't mean to.

The large nursery 30 miles from here is having its annual half-price hanging basket and plant sale. I happened to be in the neighborhood and thought I'd drop in for a quick look. Nothing particular in mind, just a look-see.

Well, okay, a look-see with a purpose. The rain devastated my caladiums and drown a couple of hanging baskets, so maybe a little freshening up wouldn't hurt.

The parking lot was full so I edged to the end of the driveway. I was fine--I had made it to the back of the property--until I picked up the first hanging basket and found a cart to put it on. Then, it was like, why not? Why not buy another one? Caladiums in pots for a different section of the garden? A few more dianthus? I've always wanted a peony.

Then my downfall, the hibiscus. Not the hardy, come-back next year kind, oh, no. This was the exotic colors, the bright light, moisture-loving hibiscus. In orange.

Stop-your-breath orange. Which looked so much better next to the yellow. But they needed a counterpoint... hot pink.

Someone has to 1) plant what she has now and 2) not be tempted when she drives by again tomorrow.

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