Wednesday, November 05, 2008

About to be the Season

Has it really been over a week since I last blogged? Egad! Where have I been?

Right here. Not doing anything special. I did go to Canton First Monday trade days on Saturday and that was wonderful, not that I bought much but the weather was so lovely. The trees were changing color and maybe that's what I've been doing: looking instead of blogging, although I did manage to write on my new book.

So, it was an ah-ha oh-no moment when I realized that it was the first of November and my Christmas list had yet to be made. In my younger days, the ones with young children and no computer/Internet, where I actually cooked full meals instead of trying to see if a meat, veggie, and bowl of fruit would satisfy us, I started my Christmas list and therefore, my Christmas shopping, in August. That was even before we exchanged names within the larger half the family or, as we do now, a Chinese gift exchange where I'm responsible for just two presents. (Other than the children of course. Children always get presents.)

So, there was really no excuse for just now getting down to business. As I drove to Dallas Saturday afternoon, my husband pulled out a small notebook and we started taking notes and actually discussing who/what. (This differs from previous years when I'd be asked on Christmas Eve--as we put all the presents into the car--if we had something for everyone and what it was. No comment.)

Once home, I transcribed our notes into something more legible. How did this get away from me? We've a grandson due any day now, so I really need to get cracking on this, as I know where my mind and heart are going to be. My saving grace may be the Internet. My gosh, had we had it 25 years ago, I might have finished by July!

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