Tuesday, July 01, 2014

T's Trial available now!

I published T's Trial yesterday on Amazon. Currently, it's available only for Kindle since I'm trying a little experiment. I joined the Kindle Select Program for 90 days. Within that time frame, it can't be available for sale anywhere else. What it can be is borrowed in the Kindle Owner's Lending Library and offered for a free/greatly reduced price sometime during the months.

Since it's the first of a series, that's what I plan to do as soon as C's Comeuppance is formatted and the cover finalized, hopefully by August. In an ideal world, I'd be able to release the third one, Tib's Temptation, within that 90 day window as well.

T started life as Heaven on a Kitestring (and was an RWA Golden Heart finalist), then evolved into Lyla's Song as it went through two e-publishers. Over the years, I added books to include all the members of the band Bone Cold--Alive, plus giving a jilted lover from the first book his own HEA.

And because I think it says so much for the hero, here's the cover again.


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