Thursday, December 07, 2006

Wednesday night suppers

As a child, Wednesday nights--or so it seemed--were always devoted to church. We started with a covered dish supper in the basement (it was an OLD church), followed by a program. It might not have been every week, but the people who could tell me are all gone from this world, so we'll just assume it was.

Somewhere along the way, either those suppers stopped or we stopped going. Perhaps Mother grew tired of taking whatever it was she did. I have no clear memory of any particular food making its way from our kitchen to the church basement, but given Mother's culinary skills, it probably alternated between jello and baked beans. And they're very good baked beans.

Wednesday supper now is held in a rush: I have church bell choir practice at 6, followed by chancel choir at 7. The spouse bowls or, if it's the summer, golfs. I hurriedly put leftovers on the table, or something I can quickly clean up, and that's about it.

Until now.

The new temptation in our kitchen is both quick to fix and quick to clean up. I can't believe it's been in the frozen food aisle for a couple of years and I'm just now finding it. In truth, I wouldn't know about it yet, if a friend had not let me in on the secret.

I don't peruse the frozen food aisle. Convenience is not my middle name. With the exception of frozen corn, I cook fresh vegetables, slice fresh fruit. If the time ever comes when we're to rely on what's canned in the larder, this household could be in trouble. I'd better get out the flour and start making bread to trade!

So, I really didn't know about Bertolli Complete Skillet Meal for Two. Open package. Put in skillet. Cover for 10 minutes (ours took 15). Eat. Make a salad to go with it. My gosh. Where have I been?

Needless to say, after a trip to the store, we are supplied for 3 Wednesdays, and that's just because I decided not to push my luck. Having already tried the Spicy Shrimp, I've picked up the Spinach, Meatball, and one of the Chickens.

I'll let you know. Next Thursday.


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