Friday, February 20, 2015

February Round Robin: The Old Bucket List

I've never had a written Bucket List. Nothing written down, just things I'd like to accomplish. OTOH, I think a Bucket List ought to be doable. I think space travel is cool and wonderful and wouldn't it be beyond dreams to see the Earth from scads of miles above, but… let's face it. Not going to happen for me. Not realistic. Not doable.

I had always wanted my own large vegetable garden and 35 years ago, when we moved to the house we still have, I got it. A large plot plowed and seed scattered. It worked for several years, but eventually we needed a basketball court for the sons and then a smaller driveway for their vehicles and then… no more garden.

I'd love to be a NYTimes best-selling author. Now, this is doable, if I knew how to write what the public wants to buy. And buy. And buy. Alas, I have yet to meet my market niche. But I enjoy writing and I keep at it. How does that go? A writer can't not write?

But the verbal Bucket List now consists of mainly travel. Always wanted to go to Australia. I've been twice. New Zealand. You bet! Cross Canada, Halifax to Vancouver, by train. Been there, done that. Don't know many people who have, although I'm sure the numbers are legion. Go around the world? Got it on the schedule. See Iceland? The Antarctic? The NorthWest Passage--small ships cruise there now. Doable!

(And why, as a warm weather girl, I want to go to places full of ice and snow, I haven't a clue. They intrigue me, I suppose. And no one else I know has done it.)

And writing of cold things to do, the Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show has always fascinated. We sit glued to the TV, watching these beautiful canines at the top of their breed. The spaniels, in all their forms, are our favorites. We'd liked to go someday. The problem? It's in New York City. In February. I'm much more inclined to try the Antarctic.

Read about other bucket lists from this talented group of writers:

Skye Taylor
Fiona McGier
Marci Baun
Diane Bator
Victoria Chatham
Anne Stenhouse
Beverley Bateman
A.J. Maguire
Rachael Kosnski
Geeta Kakade
Connie Vines
Judith Copek
Rhobin Courtright

Friday, February 13, 2015

A lesson in never giving up

Or stubbornness. Or I-paid-for-you-now-bloom-darn-it!

Before Christmas, I saw a display of amaryllis bulbs at a local store. I've grown amaryllis for years but as I hadn't purchased any yet, I bought two. I hoped to give one as a Christmas gift. Dutifully, I potted them up, added water and set in the sun.

Almost immediately, one sent up a leaf. Good sign. The other… nothing. Then another leaf. The other… nothing. And so it went, past Christmas, with one a beautiful green and the other… nothing. Obviously, no Christmas gift here.

I almost threw the bare one into the trash, but I held on. Besides, the leafy one just had leaves. I gently separated them and in the middle was the beginning of a bloom stalk. And that's where it still is--hidden, surrounded by long, overgrown leaves.

And the bare one? Finally, the end of January, it put up a bloom stalk. Then a few leaves. And this week, my patience or stubbornness (whatever) was rewarded with four beautiful blooms. Alas, it's also quite heavy and I came home this afternoon to find it toppled. I've righted it and balanced it against the kitchen cabinet, but this photo shows all its potential.

As in, never give up!

Wednesday, February 04, 2015

It's a cover contest!

The Houston Bay Area chapter of Romance Writers of America is sponsoring a cover contest called, appropriately enough, Judge A Book By Its Cover, or the JABBIC. I entered my romantic suspense novel Once Upon a McLeod.

The contest is now open to reader judges in 8 categories. Each entry may be given a score of 1 to 5 and you, as judge, are encouraged to score each entry in any given category, although you don't have to.

Here's the link and I'd love for you to take a look at my entry.

Here's a reminder!