Thursday, September 20, 2012

Joys of Autumn

There are many things to like about autumn. In fact, some people claim it's their favorite time of year. Personally, I'm fonder of spring, but there are many attributes of autumn not found in spring.

Cooler days: Turn off the a/c and open the windows! Air the house! Yes!

Cooler nights: Great sleeping weather. Beautiful crisp morning skies with loads of bright stars. I say hello to Orion every morning as I fetch the paper.

This combo of coolness means less watering of the porch and patio plants. Good. I'm getting tired of the daily ritual, but I'm not ready for them to die yet, either. The enthusiasm of spring for bright colors is fading.

The sense of anticipation: Fall festivals, Thanksgiving, Christmas, parties!

And the best joy? This year it's that all those jeans I packed away in April still zip!

Monday, September 17, 2012

All on Amazon!

While helping a friend with a new Kindle--she was unfamiliar with my novels--find something to read (ahem!), I realized that not all of my Wings ePress romances were available via Kindle format on the Amazon site! Egad! Not a good thing!

So I emailed the PTB at Wings and shortly afterward it was fixed! Whew! Now I can say all 11 of my romances are ready for your Kindle reading pleasure on Amazon.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

TravelQuest links, Parts 2 and 3

I forgot to post the link to Part 2 yesterday, so it's bundled with Part 3 of our Canadian adventure today.

Part 2

Part 3

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Our Canadian adventure on the North Texas e-News

This morning and for the next two, my TravelQuest article about our Canadian adventure will be on the North Texas e-News. I'll post the direct link each day.

I was allowed 25 photos each day and managed to stay within that until Part 3 and the gorgeous Canadian Rockies. I did get it to the limit, but it was hard to decide!

Tuesday, September 04, 2012

Winning at the State Fair!

Many years ago I would enter my canned goods in the Texas State Fair and sometimes I would win a ribbon. Last year, I entered jellies and got an Honorable Mention for my Lite Cherry Jelly. This year, I didn't put up any jellies, but I took advantage of the vegetable, more specifically the tomato, abundance and found all sorts of things to do with them.

Then I took my ego in my hands and shipped in four entries. One article I've read stated there were over 1000 entries. I counted 169 categories.

Saturday I got the results in a letter from the Creative Arts Department.

AND I WON!!!!!!!

I had to have my husband look at the letter also to make sure I was interpreting it correctly. Three first places and one second!!!!!!

Second place:

First place:
Hot dill pickles
Mincemeat (made from green tomatoes and fruit)
Green tomato relish

PINCH ME!!!!!!!!

Joyous as I am, I'm now plotting to enter the bread baking on Sept. 30. Stay tuned.