Saturday, August 26, 2006

Linking Up

It only seems fair to explain the links posted on the right side of the blog. As of this date, these are the places I visit most often:

My website: Me. I visit it to see how many other people have visited it. And there's really been many more visitors to it since its inception, but every time the webmistress does a major overhaul, we seem to lose a 1000 or so.

My publisher: Obvious. Go. Search for my name. Download in any number of electronic formats or buy a print-on-demand copy. (Shameless self-promo now over.)

North Texas e-News: Our "local" internet newspaper. Items are of local/regional interest, but of course it's read all over the world by those people who've moved from here and still can't get enough of it. Also, I write an occasional column. You can search for me and find them.

POD-dy Mouth: Finding this blog through an article in the Dallas Morning News last year was a real eye-opener. She digs through hundreds of print-on-demand books to find the gems which are genuinely there. Thank you.

Agent Kristin Nelson: Based in Colorado, literary agent Kristin Nelson spoke at the Dallas Area Romance Authors conference this past spring. I enjoyed what she had to say then, enjoy her blog each day, and if you're involved with the publishing industry, I think you'll like her good sense approach as well.

Bookseller Chick: Just what the name implies: bookseller explaining the publishing/reading world from the retail perspective.

Susan Grant: Paranormal romance author and United Airlines pilot. Got to love the combination. Got to love it even more when through a stroke of serendipity, my husband and I were on her flight from San Fran to Sydney last year. "So," the guy in the next row asked me after Susan and I had had a chat, "what makes you so special?" (He said it in a nice way.) It was my husband who explained all about the romance writing.

Chico's: I'm a walking advertisement for their clothing. 'Nuf said.

Google News: Well, blogger had it on there and I've left it for the time being.

Now you know who's who and why they're where they are.


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