Resolving in the New Year
We all know that most New Year's resolutions are well-intentioned and voided by the spring. Most of mine are at least. But last year's resolution was a success.
Last year this time, I decided I would self-publish before the year was out. Granted, it took me a while to get started, as in, I kept thinking of reasons not to do it "quite yet." Foremost was the Romance Writers of America conference in July which I was attending and where I'd be taking the self-publishing route.
And I'm glad I did. I found my cover artist and formatter from contacts there. After that, I found an online course which had so many details my eyes were crossing!
And then, in October, I did it! I self-published After the Thunder Rolls Away. Now I've got to study on marketing and to that end, my first ad will be up on Free Kindle Books and Tips on Wednesday, January 1, 2014.
Now I need to start the roller coaster of another book (it is edited and to the formatter), then revising my previously published ones to bring them into the 21st century if they weren't already there. Technology drives everything now.
Including self-publishing.
May you make good, sustainable resolutions. As soon as I think of my next attainable one, I'll let you know.