Sunday, January 25, 2009

Zip code-profiling, part I

This week, my daughter-in-law appeared in a Wall Street Journal ad for her graduate alma mater, SMU. As you know, the WSJ is my favorite newspaper, and I was thrilled that not only was she going to get the recognition she deserved (along with others chosen for the ad), but also I'd get to have my own copy. While it was not going to be nationally distributed, it would be in the southwest region.

Or not.

Not in my zip code, it wasn't. It's a Texas zip code, not even that far from the Big City. But did my post-office-delivered WSJ have this insert? No. I called a friend, lest mine was an anomaly. She didn't have it either. I informed my DIL. She called the school. Had the dates changed? No, their copy, their DALLAS copy, had it.

Once again, I had been zip code-profiled.

I suppose in the trade it's known as marketing. My zip code must not be interested in the number one MBA program in Texas. No, we did have an "insert", but it was for Phoenix University, which has been heavily advertising on TV lately. It was a fine three-page ad. But I don't know why it couldn't have been in another edition, and not in the one I was waiting for.

I resent being excluded, not that that's going to do me any good. My DIL will get a copy of the ad and I'll see it the next time I see her. If this were the extent of it, I'd not feel so bad, but it's not. It's but the tip of the iceberg and tomorrow, I'll finish zip code-profiling, part II.

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