Tomorrow is my birthday--the Up and the Down
I don't know whether to start this post on the Up or the Down. Hmmm. Using the philosophy to always leave the reader/viewer smiling, I'll start with the Down.
And it's not really a big Down. I was born on my Dad's 29th birthday. He died at the age of 90 last September so this is the first time in my life I'll not be able to celebrate with him. Not that celebrating would have meant anything to him in the last years of his life because he had Alzheimer's, but it meant something to me.
Like the first birthday I celebrated after Mother died. She had always called me on the minute I was born, 9:26 AM. Always. I really missed that phone call the first year and I'll miss knowing Daddy is still around when tomorrow comes, too.
Enough Down.
Up: I have managed to gleefully put my Soft Surroundings, Half-Price Books, Chico's, and Coldwater Creek coupons to good use. Well, good in my opinion.